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  1. C

    Breed please?!? And your guess on roo or pullet?!?

    I bought 12 chicks from TSC June 6. I was told they were RIRs and buff orpingtons. They didn't really know their age just said "about 2 weeks." I ended up with 2 RIRs, 4 orpingtons, and 6 black ones. I know they are not either RIRs or orpingtons. What breed are these? I'm thinking they are about...
  2. C

    New member intro!!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? - In a way, yes and no. I used to help my in law ALOT when they had them. But I just established my own flock. Got them from TSC back at the beginning of June. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? - 10 (3) What breeds do...
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