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  1. windsweptzz

    Feathers won't grow back

    Hi! The roos are a bit aggressive but no other hen is missing so many feathers - their feathers grow back. My hen Sunshine seems unable to grow back feathers after the mating issues of losing feathers. I put the bluekote on and yet the skin seems just leathery and no feathers... on her back and...
  2. windsweptzz

    I got this book for Christmas! I loved the in-depth insight into the lives of chickens!

    My mom gave me this book. I love it! This book is on Amazon and I'm sure other places. The author really loves her chickens! How to Speak Chicken
  3. windsweptzz


    I am a newbie learning and have been raising chickens for 1-1/2 years and have two flocks integrated now from 1-day-old peeps straight from hatcheries. My second batch are now laying! I have 19 hens and 2 roosters. It has been an adventure from building the coop and run, to adding on a sick bay...
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