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  1. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! [Edit: Probable Worm Blockage]

    I have an 11 month old Buff Orpington hen named Maisie. I went out about an hour and a half ago to the run and saw her falling asleep while standing. I quickly grabbed her and brought her in and gave her two Calcium Citrate+D3 pills (630mg total) just in case she may be egg bound. I also gave...
  2. Tiffany Wikk

    Post your food!

    I wanna see everyone's lovely meals from the eggs of your precious flocks. I'll go first! Here's my fried egg from breakfast on some ham and freshly homemade bread (made by my awesome mom) with some cheese, tomatoes, and such. It's wonderful to get some amazing breakfasts from the eggs of my...
  3. Tiffany Wikk

    Howdy! I'm new!

    Q. Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? A. This is my first time owning and raising chickens. They hatched July 19th, 2023 and we received them two days later. Q. How many chickens do you have right now? A. We ordered 10 but ended up with 12. All of them survived and we...
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