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  1. Sparrowgurl

    Trying to raise geese.

    Thanks Chicken Obsessed person, Last year I took all the eggs from Ethel as she laid them, knowing they were not fertile. After the 17th egg.. she became broody and was covering up imaginary eggs with her down. I blocked her from the empty nest and she became very upset and "flew" for the...
  2. Sparrowgurl

    Trying to raise geese.

    This is my 1st attempt to raise geese. I have one female and one male. My female, Ethel, laid 17 eggs last season. She did not have a mate last season. I bought fertile eggs and she hatched 1 out of 3. The chick ended up being a male, Fred, and is now mating with Ethel. We have taken 6 eggs from...
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