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  1. urbanhermit

    How Can you keep chickens cool in summer heat?

    My chickies live in the central city of Toledo in northwest Ohio. At night they sleep in an Eglu by Omlet. I set my alarm for daybreak (about 5:15 right now) and let them out into their .4 acre yard with lots of shrubs and trees. They have water in the Eglu and at the back porch (of my house)...
  2. urbanhermit

    What do you feed your 3-4 month old chickens?

    My latest hatch is 8 days old, and they've been ranging around with Broody since they first peeked out from under. They have access to a feeder of chick starter and cracked corn and occasionally eat from that, but they much prefer the smorgasbord of insects, grass, and kitchen scraps. I don't...
  3. urbanhermit

    Looking for Winter Advice- What do you wish you had known

    Twenty years ago I raised a flock of 12 Buff Orpingtons in Fremont, Ohio, in an unheated wood shed with free access to a fenced chicken yard year-round, with no problems from the heat or cold. This spring I started a flock (one rooster and three hens, Barred Rocks) in Toledo, Ohio. This time I...
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