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  1. emmadipstik

    Cleaning Chickens?

    My chickens live with my goats (they have their own section but they don't stay in it). One of our (goat) kids had coccidiosis so he was having diarrhea, and I guess the chickens got into it. Their feathers are clumped and it's pretty gross. Anyways I was wondering, can you give a chicken a...
  2. emmadipstik

    I'm pretty new to chickens, Advice wanted =)

    I went out to buy some hay, we have goats as well, and decided to pick up 2 hens along the way. One is an Araucana, and one is a Rhode Island Red. They are pretty friendly. I will get to posting some photos soon, but for now I just wanted to say, hi! I would be open to any advice you would...
  3. emmadipstik

    Goat has Scab at CD&T Injection Site-Problem?

    Same thing happened to Laylie after giving her the CD&T shot. At first it was just a scab, but it progressed to turn into an abscess. Not really uncommon to get an abscess at the injection site. We lanced it 1 a day everyday for about 4 or 5 days. Not sure if that will turn into an abscess, but...
  4. emmadipstik

    I need some ideas!

    Oh Oh Oh! I got an idea! How about I buy concrete blocks (only $.46 per block!) and then we seal them together using concrete ($3.35 for an 80 pound bag!), and have a heavy duty tarp ($10.00!) as a roof, as well as a waterproof one underneath (10.00!)! I think my parents will be okay with that...
  5. emmadipstik

    lets see your other pets

    Long list comin' up =] Jazzie - 8 year old Border Collie Diesel - My friends bummer lamb, she had me bottle feed him for three days Dinky - One of Tubby's brothers Rhino - Teddy Hamster 7 year old Maizey - Corn Snake Lilac - Corn Snake Snickers - A 3 year old stray that we took in...
  6. emmadipstik

    I need some ideas!

    Hmmm... That's an idea... ~_______________________~ I forgot to add the dimensions of the pen. 20' x 80'
  7. emmadipstik

    Other Pets & Livestock Database

    Name: Goat Experience Needed: Medium. You have to know how to trim hooves and measure out foods. Well you mostly need them smarts =] Origin: Different for different breeds. Diet: Grain, Hay, Oats, and WATER! Temperament: Depends on the goat, but my two are the most loyal "dog" you can ever ask...
  8. emmadipstik

    I need some ideas!

    Yeah I looked into that but unfortunately Nellie is about 35" tall and 120 pounds, she is big for a Nubian, and Laylie is probably 32" tall and 100 pounds, she's Alpine They have grown tall because of the hay and grain we give them! Luckily they haven't grown wide
  9. emmadipstik

    I need some ideas!

    Hey I own two goats Laylie & Nellie. Well as you know goats are jumpers and they destroyed their shelter, the storm also helped them. So now I'm looking for a new shelter. My parents do not want to build a shelter out of wood, and don't want to spend more than 100 dollars. They are very...
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