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  1. Owlwoman

    Greetings to all!

    I have about 60 chickens in Renew Mexicc. Some are Buff Orpington s, Americaunas, Delawares, Hamburgs, Japanese bantams, Mottled Cochind and Silver Spangled Hamburg bantams...And some others. I have a young Brahma that is by herself in a nice cage in my birdroom. She seems sleepy. Is this...
  2. Owlwoman

    Chickens Not Allowed, Going to Anyway.

    Go ahead. Some cautions though - keep them clean so no neighbors will complain. Also do not have a rooster. I had 4 chickens in a town that did not allow them so I made a certificate for them that stated they were Peruvian Ground Doves. Within a year the town allowed up to 6 hens. Hope all...
  3. Owlwoman

    What are Your Chickens Named?

    There is Patty, LaVern, Goldie 1, Goldie 2, Goldie 3, Rocky 1, Rocky 2. There is Snippy, Grumpy, Nola, Nasty (she beats up the ducks), Rojo, Doc, Happy and Sugar. The ducks are Lucy and Ricky, Rosemary and Ida, Samson and Delila and Graham Quacker. They love anyone who approaches them...
  4. Owlwoman

    Maxene is dead.....

    Internal layer? Is there no cure for this? My Maude has the same bloated abdomen, with tail down and waddles. The good thing is she does not appear to be miserable. Anyone have experience curing this disorder? Bobbie in sunny New Mexico
  5. Owlwoman

    Maxene is dead.....

    My girls have laying pellets available at all times and they are free range after I let them out in the morning. I will cut WAY back on the produce I feed them and see how it goes. I buy spoiled produce from a local grocery and have been feeding 15 chickens a bucket full each morning. No...
  6. Owlwoman

    Maxene is dead.....

    I found my Maxene (one of the Andrews Sisters) dead this morning. Her abdomen was distended and hard. So I cut her dead body open. There was a huge yellow mass in her that I removed. It had an organ in it that looked like a kidney maybe. The yellow mass looked like pressed egg yolks or fat...
  7. Owlwoman

    Chickens Not Allowed, Going to Anyway.

    I lived in a town that did not permit chickens. I had 5 hens, hidden from the street by trees and bushes. I made a certificate saying they were Peruvian Ground Doves and the animal control offices looked at me like - WHAT?? The ordinance in the town was changed and we can now have 5 hens, no...
  8. Owlwoman

    Service birds?

    I would not rule out any bird, including ducks, as service animals. I have an African Grey Parrot who is a service animal as an Emotional Support Animal. After all my birds were killed a year ago Thanksgiving, I was a basket case. Began to see a therapist who suggested I get another parrot...
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