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  1. Gypers

    How much feed?

    My chicks are 10 weeks old. I have 16 chicks. 12 are black sex link, 3 are white and 1 is grey. 6 of the black sex links are cockerels and 6 are pullets. 2 out of 3 of the whites are cockerels. And the grey one is a cockerel. So I have 9 cockerels and 7 pullets. So far they've gone through...
  2. Gypers

    Mucus looks like it coming from her mouth

    I have a 9 week old cockerel doing the same. He seemed fine yesterday. But today he is listless and when I went to pick him up he gave an alarm call and mucus came out of his mouth. Sorry to post on your thread but the problem looked the same.
  3. Gypers

    & week old grey chick

    Yea, that's my thought also. Too bad. I don't want any roos but this one is very good looking. The other roos (Black sex link) have bigger combs that this grey one.
  4. Gypers

    & week old grey chick

    Ok. My chicks are 7 weeks old now. I can already tell which ones are roosters except for this grey chick. Can anyone say for sure if it is a rooster? Also what type of breed is it? A mutt?
  5. Gypers

    Barred Rocks? Roosters?

    Ok, Black Sex Link... So that means that they could be sexed at birth right?
  6. Gypers

    Barred Rocks? Roosters?

    Ok, these chicks are 4 weeks old now. Do you still agree that they are Barred Rocks? And are the ones with more developed combs roosters?
  7. Gypers

    What kind(s) of chicken is she?

    Off of subject; I just wanted to comment on your shop. It looks like my shop. Minus the chickens. I keep them separate from my messy shop. lol
  8. Gypers

    White one, grey one and black one's.

    I do know the grey one hatched out of a small white egg.
  9. Gypers

    White one, grey one and black one's.

    No, not any more than the others. The black one's, some have mottled wings and some have striped wings.
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