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  1. mamajo59

    Pekin lost her mate

    Help! My Pekin lost her mate four days ago. She now quacks incessantly and will not get in her kiddie pool. She has chosen to sleep with the six chickens at night instead of her pen. ( I have no other ducks.) How can I get her to go back in the water? She won't even stick her bill in and...
  2. mamajo59

    Lone female survivor

    We bought 2 Pekin ducklings in March; they grew pretty fast. We have been keeping them (male and female) penned with the chickens at night . Last night my husband thought it would be ok to leave them out. This morning, the male is gone...with a trail of duck feathers for several yards. We are...
  3. mamajo59

    Missing duck???

    We bought 2 Pekin ducklings in March. They grew pretty fast. We have been keeping them (male and female) penned at night with the chickens. Last night my husband thought it would be ok to leave them out at night. This morning, the male is gone...with a trail of duck feathers for several yards...
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