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  1. herefishyfishy

    Ended Official BYC Contest: Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall/Winter 2012

    ...and they hid from the Lord God among the trees :) LOL! Chickens are too funny with no clothes on!
  2. herefishyfishy

    Ended Official BYC Contest: Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall/Winter 2012

    LOL! Yeah...Uhm, the feathers left around its neck remind me of the collar on the suit the wicked Cruella Deville wore in 101 Dalmations. I noticed my Pyncheon roo has a few missing on his neck, but didn't connect it to molting. I figured it was just that he was in a new pen. He's only about 7...
  3. herefishyfishy

    Hen plucking and eating each other's feathers

    Sadly, I had to separate a hen from her biddies yesterday. I noticed the day before yesterday (Wednesday), that the biddies had feathers missing from their backs. Yesterday morning, I was standing at the door watching the coop, and saw her picking at one of them. I think it may well be the...
  4. herefishyfishy

    Speckled Sussex

    My 3 are 4 months old and I have zero clue, either. I call them "The Big Girls" (mostly out of hopeful thinking and everything else we have are bantam size). Their combs and wattles are barely there, with one having slightly more wattle (1/4"); tails are not showing me anything. One has slightly...
  5. herefishyfishy

    Has anyone used Southern Farm Hatchery in Mississippi?

    Twice we ordered eggs from Southern Farm and both times were total disasters. We ordered 40 eggs (mixed) on the first batch, of those, we had eactly 11 to hatch. We had 16 that were infertile and the remainder died late stage embryo. We had asked for NO FEATHERED LEG eggs in the mix, and they...
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