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  1. crazyrescuelady

    Are there any Okies on here?

    We live in NE OK and love going to swaps and auctions. We have 30 chickens, 5 geese and 4 call ducks. Any tips for this terrible heat?
  2. crazyrescuelady

    How many chickens do we all have? 60,083 and counting.

    66,196 + 31 = 66227 Are we adding all birds? If so 66,227 + 5 geese + 2 call ducks = 66234
  3. crazyrescuelady

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    I have always had a dog, Always in the house. My parents were always dragging home a stray they found. When my husband & I got married he did not believe in dogs being in the house. LOL!!!! He got over that pretty quick. I firmly believe in rescue. I have taken my kids to the shelter/pound...
  4. crazyrescuelady

    The Health Care Law.

    Seriously! Why are we getting tied up in the birth control issue when there are soooooo many more problems out there? I have Multiple Sclerosis and am not eligible for any assistance. I don't need it. If I weighed 350lbs and had a BMI of 50% I would. You guys could be paying for everything...
  5. crazyrescuelady

    The Health Care Law.

    I used to be the invoice clerk at THE big box store and paid the bills for The Store. I paid the bills for my meds and know that WM doesn't make a lot of money on the expensive meds. My shot's cost me 200 a month, my part after insurance. The REAL problem lies with BIG INSURANCE AND BIG PHARM...
  6. crazyrescuelady

    The Health Care Law.

    This is my biggest fear. I have Multiple Sclerosis and pay my insurance through payroll deduction at work. I've worked for THE big box store for 25 years. If I miss more than 3 days in a year I will be written up. Any three mistakes in one year and you are gone. The do not have to be the same...
  7. crazyrescuelady

    Explaining Chicken Math

    My DH had to laugh. I have the same kind of math here. Just a couple of chicks to replace losses. We had six to begin with. Now we have 31 chicks, 5 geese and 4 call ducks. LOL!! I'm sure this is some kind of algebra.
  8. crazyrescuelady

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    My husband and daughter will sit on the couch every night with a gosling with it's butt wrapped in a paper towel My daughter will sit in the tub with the baby ducks or goslings. The first time I saw this I asked what she was doing she said "mom they are scared if I'm not with them"
  9. crazyrescuelady

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    I've given my husband the same kind of messages! Only maybe more like "and you do realize we are out of scratch right". He insists on feeding all outside animals. A call to my daughter "Sis!! The baby chicks are in at Orshlen's! Want to go with me?" my daughters response "HECK YES!!! I'm leaving...
  10. crazyrescuelady

    MO woman faces charges over dogs

    I wonder how cute she would think it was if my 165lb Mastiff got out of my fence(its too secure for that) and started shaking her lil dogs by the neck. It wouldn't take her a minute to do it. Would she laugh then?
  11. crazyrescuelady

    MO woman faces charges over dogs

    If she cared so much for her chihuahua's she wouldn't have let ones so tiny run loose. My don't because we have hawks that could haul them off. On the other hand if I found dogs in my pen/run she would get them back after I shot them. Sorry but that's how it is in rural OK. If my dogs got out...
  12. crazyrescuelady

    Call ducks???!!!

    I would recommend buying ducklings or Grown birds. If you buy grown bird you know you are getting a male or female. With egg hatching you won't know.
  13. crazyrescuelady

    White Plymouth Rock - Is SHE a rooster?

    I'd say rooster. Guess her/his name could be Pete now. LOL!
  14. crazyrescuelady

    Managing an adult goose with Angel wing

    I volunteer at a wild life rescue center and got several of these brought to us this year. We give them lots of crushed eggshell and oyster calcium. Unfortunately we have not had alot of success. They were calcium deficent as goslings. Now they are older if may not correct. This is why it is...
  15. crazyrescuelady

    New here!

    I'm new to this site but not new to chickens. I've had chickens most of my life. I grew up on a farm and have raised chickens, cattle, horses, goats, dogs, cats, birds, snakes, tortises and I rescue what ever I have room for and always looking for homes for dogs. We live in the country on 10...
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