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  1. teabaglady

    Cracked Beak

    Just wanted to post another thank you for the advice I received in this thread. Mabel is eating fully on her own and doing very well! No eggs yet, but I am confident that she will be back out in the coop with the new birds, once we've fixed the security and have a few more chickens to keep her...
  2. She seems to be thanking my daughter for helping her recouperate!

    She seems to be thanking my daughter for helping her recouperate!

  3. teabaglady

    Ok Raccoon chicken / wire - Hardware cloth question

    I have realized that I may be asking a slightly different question. Because our coop is a stall in the barn, the wire has to be secure enough for NIGHT time protection. I appreciate the advice and accounts of other's coops, and will take it all into account. We may end up building plywood...
  4. teabaglady

    Ok Raccoon chicken / wire - Hardware cloth question

    We are planning to use small fence staples. I assume these are at least as sturdy as poultry staples? I've never heard of the latter, being a novice in the chicken world! I am getting the feeling that the 1/2" wire in 19 guage is not considered as secure as 2x4 welded wire... But the larger...
  5. teabaglady

    Ok Raccoon chicken / wire - Hardware cloth question

    We are in the process of "raccoon-proofing" our coop, if that is indeed possible. Our problem is that the inside portion of the coop is a stall in the barn - and the barn is not closed up at night. So I need wire for this part of the coop that is as close to impossible for a predator to get...
  6. teabaglady

    Cracked Beak

    We were wondering about this. I did read that some people do glue broken beaks back together. I would be very leery, though, of her tongue touching it before it was dry just would be difficult to do it right I think. On the other hand, it is not OFF, just split like a crack so it might...
  7. teabaglady

    Cracked Beak

    Thank you for the tip re soaking her feed! I put a deep dish of soft, fluffy feed in her cage and she is getting her beak into it, and I'm sure she is actually getting some down! I'm thinking she may have been getting a bit of feed before because her droppings were beginning to have some...
  8. teabaglady

    Cracked Beak

    Good morning. I'm new here - my daughter, Hopechick, joined several weeks ago and I thought this would be a good place to come with questions about a chicken we are currently nursing. We had a terrible attack in the coop on Sunday morning - 6 of our 9 chickens were killed outright. 2 of the...
  9. Default


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