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  1. HappyGal

    What to feed chickens to lay more eggs.

    E we feed ours the layer crumbs with a half cup a day each of scratch. They love scratching sunflowe seeds and any spouts we can give them. The yhing that seems to keep our girls going the most is outdoor time! They love it. Not just insife their pen eith, they want the rule of the roost so to...
  2. HappyGal

    Free ranging in snow?

    Our girls like to come out and go along the paths shoveled for them. They pick and dig for greenery. Today they went down to the river to pick among the leaves revealed from the melting snow...they love to explore and the snow is not so troublesome for them.Their footprints in the snow travel...
  3. HappyGal

    Canadians check in here....

    My girls are experiencing the falling slush we are getting here in Cookville, NS. They don't seem to mind the rain, it is the wind that bothers them.
  4. HappyGal

    Ended Your Chicken Pictures Needed For The BYC 2013 Calendar
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