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  1. ceramic cat

    New mate/companion for widowed Rouen?

    My 1 1/2-year-old Rouen drake has lost his companion. I found her dead in their pen a couple of days ago, body intact but severed head lying nearby. I have no idea what happened to her. There was almost no blood on the ground, and very few pulled feathers Her body looked as if it had...
  2. ceramic cat

    Ok Raccoon chicken / wire - Hardware cloth question

    Thank you for the insight!
  3. ceramic cat

    Ok Raccoon chicken / wire - Hardware cloth question

    Well, far be it from me to malign chicken intelligence, but do they also not smell or hear at night? With all my birds-- chicken and otherwise-- I wait until nightfall to do stuff they don't like (moving, lice powder, meds...). They clearly know I'm there, and though they do protest softly...
  4. ceramic cat

    Ok Raccoon chicken / wire - Hardware cloth question

    Yeah, learned the hard way several years ago, after many unpleasant morning discoveries. Hardware cloth it is! All around, even where coop meets fence. Used to have chicken fence: 1) Chickens are unusually stupid at night, and several lost their heads because they did not back away from the...
  5. ceramic cat

    Can I feed a can of red kidney beans to my chickens?

    lol! Greedy little eaters of just about everything...
  6. ceramic cat

    Can I feed a can of red kidney beans to my chickens?

    Read this thread first in preparation... Out of feed until payday (two days from now), but I found bags and bags of pinto beans someone once gave me. They're boiling away as I type. Rice cooker is on too! It's Balloon Fiesta time here in Albuquerque, and now, I won't be shocked to see my...
  7. ceramic cat

    Veggie burger oops for the girls?

    Well, I didn't see any dire warnings here at byc, so I put my failed veggie burgers out for my flock before they spoiled. They were quite enthusiastic to find a new menu item at first, but they soon grew perplexed by the bubble-gum stringiness of each morsel they picked up. In the end, they...
  8. ceramic cat

    Need some help fast please

    Cubes? I don't know about cubes, but I've given my geese and my ducks both alfalfa hay and alfalfa pellets, and they fall all over each other trying to get to it first! This may be due to the fact that I live in the desert, and they seldom see anything green. At any rate, it hasn't hurt them...
  9. ceramic cat

    Veggie burger oops for the girls?

    Hi, all. I'm new. Anyway, these last few weeks, I've become hell-bent on concocting a really good veggie burger recipe for myself. I'm not there yet; in fact, my very latest batch has a pretty awful texture, so I'd like to pass it on to my chickens rather than waste it. Most of the...
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