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  1. portwes

    Bluejay eating my eggs! What to do?

    Ha! I'd be spending half my salary on sunflower seeds, since a couple of the hens like them as well!
  2. portwes

    Bluejay eating my eggs! What to do?

    Rats! Didn't think about the lack of taste buds! I can't really change the nesting arrangement/approach. Except for putting up a sign to the effect: "No free-loading bluejays allowed!" And I think some bluejays might be intelligent enough to read it. But being blatant criminals, they would...
  3. portwes

    Bluejay eating my eggs! What to do?

    Actually, I was wondering about something like that. But would the hot sauce diffuse throughout the raw egg? Maybe I'd have to suck out the egg, mix it up, then re-inject the contents back into the egg? Maybe I'll try it and let you know if it works . . .
  4. portwes

    Bluejay eating my eggs! What to do?

    A local bluejay (or more than one) has developed a liking for my chickens eggs. Please don't post comments that I must be mistaken, it's the chickens themselves doing it, etc. That's because I have caught the culprit "red-handed" actually in the nest, pecking at the eggs. And several times! I...
  5. portwes

    No more egg eater

    I had an egg-eating problem for a while, and couldn't figure out which chicken was guilty. Then one day, I saw a blue-jay flying out of the fenced-in run area. At first I thought the blue-jay was just filling up on pellets, but then later that week, I went it to the coop and caught her flying...
  6. portwes

    How warm do chickens like their coop?

    My mother in Spokane had a hen for several years who lived outside her house, who roosted in a pine tree by the house (wouldn't roost anywhere else), and it got down to 10 below zero one winter on a few nights, and she slept fine through it all!
  7. portwes

    Hen aggressive to newcomer

    Hi, I'm new to this site/forum, and the subject is probably more useful in the early and mid-summer, than in early fall, but it may be useful to someone. I lost one of my 3 hens to illness in early summer, so a friend gave me two pullets, which I added to my little flock. The 2-yr-old Araucana...
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