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  1. Bob4454

    Ducks LOVE Watermelon

    I have 10 young ducks, 5 male Rouens, 3 white layers and a pair of black Swedish. They are young still, hatched the first of July. When we finish with a slice of Watermelon, we take the rind to them and they attack it with a vengeance, stripping it down to the white in no time at all. It is...
  2. Bob4454

    Female Duck - Adopting chicks not her own.

    I have a white golden layer duck, a hybrid, that was unsuccessful in hatching her own eggs this spring. I have ordered some new chicks to add to the flock on my own pond. My question is: Do you think that this female hen will adopt 10 new baby ducks that are put with her or will they be in...
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