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  1. Daynna

    Crazy 24 hour auction thread

    Due to many requests, we've added pictures to post #506 for those who wanted to see them. Cracking Up Farms
  2. Daynna

    Crazy 24 hour auction thread

    I have 8+ Orpington eggs. Blue Rooster over Buff Orpington Hens. They are Large Fowl (standard). Shipping from Florida $7. This is Big Blue, the biggest rooster we and others have ever seen. Here is Mama Orp, one of 5 in our breeder stock. One of the baby chicks. We are hoping for fire...
  3. Daynna

    My dogs killed my chickens!

    The best way to break a dog is to take whatever the item is and make it an albatross around it's neck. We had a dog once that killed a chicken, so we tied it around his neck, and he had to wear it for several days, until he managed to get it off (it wasn't an easy task). Needless to say, he...
  4. Daynna

    Incorporating New Birds Into The Flock

    I think there are always going to be some problems when you introduce new birds to an established flock. It has always made me feel bad to see the new ones picked on. What we found that works best for us is to introduce the new birds at night, when all are roosting. They all spent the night...
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