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  • Users: AlanMc
  • Content: Threads
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  1. AlanMc

    Color Changing Egg???

    I have brown egg layers. Light brown, tan, speckled, freckled, but all brown since they started laying last July. Then yesterday I got a white one. There were some brown streaks and freckles, but it was a whitish egg. There was a little poop on it, so my wife went to wash it and it turned brown...
  2. AlanMc

    Saw this Coop on Facebook and had to share.

    I think I remember this coop in my Dad's yard years ago.
  3. AlanMc

    Silver Sebright Bantam hen

    I bought a SSB at the Conroe, Tx sale in early May. She was supposed to be (or just getting to) laying age. I had her for a couple of weeks, then she laid 3 eggs on consecutive days, then took a 2 week break. Now she has laid 3 eggs again in 3 days. Waiting to see if she takes another break...
  4. AlanMc

    Attacking the new hen

    I bought a single Sebright hen today. She is about 4 months old. I already had 8 2 mos old pullets. 4 buff orps, 2 barred rocks, and 2 rirs. Tho younger the pullets outweigh and are bigger than her. I sat her down in the run and they immediately attacked. I picked her up and made other...
  5. AlanMc

    Stapling (attaching) hardware cloth

    I am using 1/2" hardware cloth (wire) to pedator proof my coop. Trouble is...How do you attach it. I am/was using a staple gun to shoot 1/2" staples, but it doesn't shoot them in well on the plywood and I have to hammer each one. They end up maybe an 1/8" deep and folded over. Not very good I...
  6. AlanMc

    My adaptation of the "Purina" Design

    I have looked at every coop on this site and several others. I am still confused as to what I should do, but I finally settled on the 4' x 4' Purina coop for it's simplistic details. I am going to make some changes as I didn't like the drop down door on the back and I am moving the nest boxes...
  7. AlanMc

    Newbie in Conroe

    Hello all, I am in Conroe, Tx. I used to have chickens, but got to busy with work to take care of them, Now I am looking to build a new coop and run and get a few just to play with. I do like the eggs so I am planning to get a few Barred rock and Australorps. I also like the small bantums, like...
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