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  1. williambeal

    Been watching, now a member.

    Hi all, Started last may with six chicks, 3 White leghorns and 3 Rhode Island red. One turned out to be a rooster, I did not mind him till he was hurting the hens, and he had the gall, to claw me. Sorry to say he is in chicken heaven. I get 5 eggs most every day, and I am really glad I started...
  2. williambeal

    Been watching, now a menber.

    Hi all, Started last may with six chicks, 3 White leghorns and 3 Rhode Island red. One turned out to be a rooster, I did not mind him till he was hurting the hens, and he had the gall, to claw me. Sorry to say he is in chicken heaven. I get 5 eggs most every day, and I am really glad I started...
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