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  1. jcollier

    Barred Rocks!!

    Well, we have confirmation that the lighter colored chick is a male! He started crowing this week. (if that's what you can call it!)
  2. jcollier

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    We have six babies: three Amerucanas, on RIR, one Barred Rock and a Cukoo Maran (thought she was a BR, too!) This is my first time raising chicks and I love it!
  3. jcollier

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    We have a hen that is black and grey just like the one u have pictured with the chicks. What kind of hen is she? We have been trying to figure out what ours is!
  4. jcollier

    Barred Rocks!!

    They are both 7 weeks. As babies they looked just alike but as they began to feather out we noticed the difference! We were thinking the darker one could be a Cukoo Maran, too. I will be excited if she is! The other chick on the left looks like a carbon copy of the older Barred Rock hens we...
  5. jcollier

    Barred Rocks!!

    Hello! We have some 7week old chicks. Two of the chicks we got are Barred Rocks, or so we thought. We have two adult BR hens that we love and one of the chicks looks just like a mini- version of them. However the other chick is much darker with a very different comb. We are hoping someone can...
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