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  1. leighsunflower

    Rooster poop build up??

    My rooster, a small bantum, has alot of poop build up on his backside feathers and is less active than normal. The vent seems to be clean and ok. Is it normal for build up to occur without worry? Thanks in advance for any advice!
  2. leighsunflower

    Favus?? on rooster comb, please help!

    I'm thinking my rooster has favus. What do y'all think? He had a nasty fight with the other rooster. I separated him into his own cage and applied neosporin. Within about 2 weeks this is what he looked like. See pic below. Any suggestions on what this is and any suggestions on a...
  3. leighsunflower

    Rooster comb and wattles overtaken by white growth, please help!

    Thanks ladies for the suggestions. From what I can gather on the internet it may be FAVUS, which is a fungal infection. Does anyone know anything about Favus in poultry? and any home remedies to help it? I've called 3 vets that say they do not deal with chickens. So I feel like I might have...
  4. leighsunflower

    Rooster comb and wattles overtaken by white growth, please help!

    Hello all, I posted back in January about my rooster "Flash", who I though had a mild case of frostbite. See pic below: However, things have changed dramatically. His whole comb, wattles, and above eyes are covered with a white growth. I got him out today to try and wash off what I...
  5. leighsunflower

    Frostbite or disease, Please help me distinguish!

    Thanks for the reassurance:) Any suggestions on treatin' the infection?
  6. leighsunflower

    Frostbite or disease, Please help me distinguish!

    Howdy all..... Please take a look at the following picture of my bantam rooster "Z". He has whitish coloring on his comb with black dots on tips of his comb. One tip is a yellowish green color. I would love it to be frostbite but something keeps telling me to get a second or third opinion...
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