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  1. Auventera

    *Photos* The Power of Chiropractic Adjustments for my Hen :-)

    I wrote about my hen under my previous user name but I can't log in anymore to that account. I don't have access to that email anymore or know the password...but anyway, she broke her pelvis last summer and was completely paralyzed for a long time. I had no idea if she would live or not. I...
  2. Auventera

    Will broody hen adopt chicks?

    I have a Dark Cornish hen that will adopt whatever you give her -broody or not! She steals chicks from other hens too. I gave her 7 Silkies I bought on craigslist and she raised them to maturity. She's now raising 3 chicks from eggs that another hen gave up on and quit the nest. I have...
  3. Auventera

    Hamburg worst mother ever! What to do with the chick?

    Wheelbarrow Chick #3 hatched out last night! So all 3 eggs I discarded ended up hatching. Wow that is wild. The derelict Hamburg hen is actually doing well with the baby now. She's still enclosed in the large netted portion of the chicken house and is caring for the baby quite well. But if...
  4. Auventera

    Chicks hatched from eggs I threw away! Life will find a way!

    But now I need names for the wheelbarrow chicks.....
  5. Auventera

    Chicks hatched from eggs I threw away! Life will find a way!

    23 days, wow you just never know what can happen do you? So I have two wheelbarrow chicks alive and fluffy and very healthy. #3 still might hatch. The hen that laid all the eggs laid one per day of course, in a nest a hen was already setting in, so the incubation of her 3 eggs were all...
  6. Auventera

    Chicks hatched from eggs I threw away! Life will find a way!

    My Hamburg hen quit the nest immediately after one chick hatched out. I found the eggs cold, listened to them and they were completely lifeless, so I tossed them into a wheelbarrow to be wheeled out to the compost pile. Two days later we heard a chick screaming its head off, and my husband...
  7. Auventera

    Hamburg worst mother ever! What to do with the chick?

    Well, the unfit mother insists on claiming her baby, and the baby insists that the Cornish is NOT her mamma! So the Hamburg is netted in a large area with bird netting, thoroughly secured, with food, water, and chick. She seems to be more comfortable with a larger area and is doing pretty good...
  8. Auventera

    Hamburg worst mother ever! What to do with the chick?

    LOL southern family! Well yeah last night I told my husband - she's like a 17 year old meth addict's terrible! I did separate her all day yesterday and left the chick with the Cornish hen. But last night when I let the Hamburg go to roost with the others, the baby saw her and...
  9. Auventera

    Hamburg worst mother ever! What to do with the chick?

    Hi everyone, I am hoping to get some advice on the best thing to do with a baby chick. I have a Silver Spangled Hamburg hen who went broody and I have read that they rarely to never go broody. But I let her set on the eggs because she stuck on that nest tight and seemed dedicated. She only...
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