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  1. MedinaClucker

    Safe to eat eggs while chicken on topical antibiotic

    Hi All - We have a really gentle Cream Legbar that we raised up and introduced to our flock earlier this year. She's always been a little bit of an outsider because our New Hampshire Red is, frankly, a complete jerk. Well, today we discovered that she'd been attacked by the New Hampshire and had...
  2. MedinaClucker

    2 Day old, lethargic

    Hi All, I have a 2 day old lavender Orpington that isn't doing so hot. We got her yesterday with 5 other chicks. All the other chicks are fine. This chick is very lethargic. She won't stand at all on her own, and is having labored breathing (opening beak when taking a breath). We've removed...
  3. MedinaClucker

    Considering turkeys…

    Hi All - I have a flock of 7 chickens already for eggs (so many eggs), and we're thinking about raising turkeys for meat. I know that turkeys and chickens need to be kept apart and that I'd have to be careful to make sure I didn't track one set of germs into the other coop. My question is: how...
  4. MedinaClucker

    Concerns about soil contamination

    I already have one flock of 7 girls going good, and am getting ready for a second. I have a 10x10 shed on my property that just doesn't get used. My wife had the excellent idea of just cutting away the siding from the bottom half of the shed, and putting a platform in the top half, so that it's...
  5. MedinaClucker

    Bad Smelling Skin

    Hi all, I have a flock of heritage birds I've been raising for meat. Today I harvested the first two birds and stopped there. The smell of their skin, once I had picked them, was positively offsetting, raising concerns about the safety of the meat as well as flavor. Their skin smelled like...
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