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  1. theminecraftian

    What's your favorite color or game

    Mine is red and my most best game is COD Ghosts
  2. theminecraftian

    Chat Thread

    . Hey
  3. theminecraftian

    What school do you go to

    Madison consolidated junior high school 6 grade
  4. theminecraftian

    Hunger games trivia

  5. theminecraftian

    Minecraft rp

    This rolplay is a fun rolplay in which you can do any thing you like chat talk about the Roleplay or just Roleplay but you need a person you can be a chicken pig cow sheep Skelton creeper zombie enderman wither or a Steve or any thing minecraft related except for a block it has to be living...
  6. theminecraftian

    Story add on it if you want to

    The Minecraftians Chapter1:the new game Steve and notch were on the road one day and notch was showing Steve the new game and they played it that night the next morning they went out side to find a world of blocks! They went outside to find...
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