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  • Users: Lyris
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  1. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    She's standing, but not walking. I've gotten more aggressive with getting water into her. Her crop is always nearly empty so I'm trying to make sure she's okay. When I hold her to give water to her she goes crazy for a moment, then kinda zones out. I have to coax her back to the water and she...
  2. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    I'll have to add all that to my chicken first aid kit, thanks! I have a whole shelf dedicated to my cats, but I'm only now getting chicken supplies. It's day three of antibiotics and there's been no change. :( she's still unable to walk. I have to take her out of the coop each day and set her...
  3. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    From the X-rays I saw at the vet, her lungs are lightly full of fluid. You could still see bone behind it, but there was definitely some haze that wasn't welcome. I have vet RX I can put on her. I still don't understand how it works if it's just an external thing though. I just want her as...
  4. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    I figured. I just wanted to be sure. Like I said, I'm used to cats where they recover overnight. My other half dead chicken recovered completely super fast. Poor Penny is struggling. Can I give her anything to maybe help her recover? Electrolytes or vitamins? It's been 98f here. She's been by...
  5. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    Should Penelope be showing signs of improvement yet? She has a very blue comb today and has no improvement walking. I'm used to my cats where they feel better by the next day.
  6. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    Thanks for all the info guys! It seriously helped. I was able to get Penelope's medication down in record time. Then I spent $300 on medications for the rest of the flock. I noticed an interesting thing while out with Penelope tonight. She still can't walk at all. My RIR is a very good, but...
  7. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    Thank you! I'll try that for him. He's a Houdan so his feathers hopefully won't get into his eyes too much, but I'm planning on trimming them. With his sight issues I want to be sure he has the best vision possible. My goal now is to get him out from under the tarps he prefers and into the yard...
  8. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    This is the parasite medication. I asked him what kind of parasites and he literally shrugged and said he had no idea. (But they saw the parasites in her poop under a microscope?) this is the one Penelope absolutely hates with a passion. Penelope is still limping today. She didn't want to come...
  9. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    Two hopefully quick followup questions. 1) how do you get a chicken to take a thick syrup type medication when it tastes nasty? It won't go down the side of her beak like liquid. It's the parasite medication. Considering the smell is worse than those outdoor bags you hang to catch flies (it's...
  10. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    That's what I thought. When I asked he brushed it off and just said no. Are all parasites treated the same way? It seems like maybe there would be different medications for them. I don't know if the antibiotic will treat any respiratory illness or if they need specific ones for specific things...
  11. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    A thousand dollar and three hours later we discovered she has parasites (no idea what kind, he has no way to tell I guess?) she has pneumonia, she had dirt in her eye, and she has a vitamin deficiency. They're all unrelated so that's fun.
  12. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    I have no idea what the bloodwork is for. He just said he needed it and left. It was $300 for that alone. When my cat gets a full workup on her it's $200 at most. I'm still waiting for them to get around to taking her for testing. I would honestly say no except three other chickens had blue...
  13. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    I have no idea how much it would typically cost for a chicken, but I'm not happy. I knew they overcharged, but that seems excessive. The vet barely looked at her or spoke. He felt for her being egg bound, glanced at her eye, and declared he needed all the tests without explaining what they did...
  14. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    After two hours at the vet, they charged me nearly a thousand dollars for two X-rays and a blood test and then went "idk we can try antibiotics and hope it works. 🤷🏼‍♀️" So I guess I'm back to figuring it out on my own. They charged me more for the tests than my cat had for his entire dental...
  15. Lyris

    My rooster's special little hen went broody. He has gone from crowing maybe twice a day to crowing every ten minutes. Will he settle?

    The hen is in the nesting box that he carefully walks her to every day. He's very dedicated. He also sees her when he walks the flock back inside the coop at night. They live in a converted shed and he waits at the door until the flock goes in. His hen is just inside the door in a nesting box...
  16. Lyris

    My rooster's special little hen went broody. He has gone from crowing maybe twice a day to crowing every ten minutes. Will he settle?

    My rooster is very, very tightly bonded to his little hen. They're never without each other. He doesn't care what happens to the other hens as long as his hen is safe. His hen decided to go broody (she has the WORST timing!) since she's been the rooster has gone a bit bananas. He kept attacking...
  17. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    I don't really want them to breed, but it would be less of a hassle to let them hatch eggs than try to break them. The meanest hen of the bunch decided to go broody yesterday, and I have claw marks from both her and her rooster from trying to break her. Ow. I finally decided to make an...
  18. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    Thanks, it's hard to feel like I'm doing right when they've had so many issues! I think another hen is starting to limp. A friend suggested that maybe it's a food issue. While I wait for the vet offices to open I'm going to pick up some different food for them. We also got hit by a heat wave...
  19. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    I'm now up to a confirmed third chicken developing the limp. My rooster has been holding his leg up for two days like a flamingo. Tonight he had a noticable limp. I've been on the phone all day trying to hunt down a vet that can see them before next month. I'm not sure what's going on with them...
  20. Lyris

    Chickens not walking, some have respiratory issues. What's going on?

    She's been in a hospital cage all day and not free ranging with the other hens. I just had her out for a minute for the videos. Her butt is gross, but it's been that way since she was a chick. Her and a few other hens insist that the only way to sleep is on the ground. She usually pulls it off...
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