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  1. Bibilibop

    Constructing a coop and run on asphalt ( Parking lot)

    Thank you! It's a good idea! I just have to convince the neighbor now :)
  2. Bibilibop

    Constructing a coop and run on asphalt ( Parking lot)

    Thank you for the answer! Okay, they will have a lot of shade. Since it's on the side of the house, they will have sun in the morning, and shade in the afternoon. I will also make sure they can hide. I didn't think about the hot sand... If I mix it with grass clipings is it okay? Or do you...
  3. Bibilibop

    Constructing a coop and run on asphalt ( Parking lot)

    Hello.. Since my first location in the backyard for my coop does not please my neighbor, we had to find a new place... The backyard can't really be used. It's the daycare place, and my mom doesn't want. So, we have this REALLY long parking lot, that we would separate, on the side of the...
  4. Bibilibop

    Looking for egglaying chicken breed: Help me make a choice please!

    Thank you! I really appreciate everybody's comments! :)
  5. Bibilibop

    Reptiles, insects, and more

    Everyone, exept the boa and hermit crabs eat insects. Mostly crickets, but sometime I give them a couple of worms. I don't really touch him. Adults ones are quite tame, but when they are young they are nervous and sting more oftenly. He's cute, always opening his claw to intimidate me. I don't...
  6. Bibilibop

    Reptiles, insects, and more

    Hello! I may be new to chicken, but I still know a lot about animals in general. I've had birds, rats, hamster... I don't have rodents or birds anymore, because they need to get out of their cages offtenly, and I didn't like to be at school all the time. I then decided to go with reptiles...
  7. Bibilibop

    Looking for egglaying chicken breed: Help me make a choice please!

    Yes, silkies are removed from the choices :P Even if I'm not 100% sure about wich one is the best, since everyone has differents opinion, I'm still happy since all the breed I like are good choices. If I could, I would reserve some from breeders already, but I'm waiting after my step-father...
  8. Bibilibop

    Looking for egglaying chicken breed: Help me make a choice please!

    Thank you again for your replies. I think that the breed I want the most is a plymouth rock. The rest... I'm still not sure... RIR scare me, I'm not sure why lol, some say they aren't aggresive, but other people say they are. Hmn... And I don't want chicken like ISA brown, because of...
  9. Bibilibop

    Looking for egglaying chicken breed: Help me make a choice please!

    Thanks a lot. I'm going to keep those breeds in mind, and I'll see what I can get here in Quebec. They all seems so awesome! :D
  10. Bibilibop

    Looking for egglaying chicken breed: Help me make a choice please!

    Reall? And are they aggressives against other hens in your experience? I just found some near my city :p
  11. Bibilibop

    Looking for egglaying chicken breed: Help me make a choice please!

    Okay, then I will try to find a Rhode island red chicken, a plymouth rock, Ameracauna or easter egger and if I do take a forth one, i'll get whatever I can find between australorp and sussex. They would all go along fine? Are they fine breed to live in a coop with a run? And how big should be...
  12. Bibilibop

    Looking for egglaying chicken breed: Help me make a choice please!

    Thank you for that answer! I still can't decide lol... If I can, I think I'm going to mix the species. It would be nice to see differents behaviors, colors and easier for the kids. So, Rhode island are now in my choices too. I'm also interrested in Ameracauna now. But I think some chicken...
  13. Bibilibop

    Hello from quebec!

    Hmn... Thei height scares me then x) My step father doesn't seem to enjoys the really high coops he sees eveywhere. But for what he said, it will be mostly my height, so at leat 5'8". I just hope they will have enough room to sleep. The hatchery is a while from my house, but they have Plymouth...
  14. Bibilibop

    Looking for egglaying chicken breed: Help me make a choice please!

    Yeah, you guys are confirming what I read about... I would probably give them the vet care they would need, but I would prefer to go with a healthier breed if I can. Rhode island seem to be really productive too. Do they have the same kind of health issue or do they stop laying after 2 years...
  15. Bibilibop

    Hello from quebec!

    Thanks for the advice about the cold. My step father put styrofoam in the walls to block the cold. And yes, we were planning to have a LOT of ventilation, some really high and smaller, for winter, and some bigger, like windows that we can open in summer :) Stupid question about that: Is there...
  16. Bibilibop

    Looking for egglaying chicken breed: Help me make a choice please!

    Thank you a lot! Yes, I read a little more on silkie... They don't seem to be really good for me, even iif they are really pretty. About the ISA, everyone seem to say that they get sick a lot, or that after 2 year, they almost totally stop laying eggs... it's not true? I looked the Rhode...
  17. Bibilibop

    Looking for egglaying chicken breed: Help me make a choice please!

    Hello! I'm reading a lot and I'm trying to decide wich chicken would be the best for me! :D I want chicken mostly for their eggs. I don't want breed like the ISA brown, wich has a lot of health issue and doesn't lay for long. I was looking for a chicken that was good egglayer and for a while...
  18. Bibilibop

    Hello from quebec!

    Thank you everyone ! :D I've been looking around the learning center a lot recently. All I do is read, read and read lol And it's actually a good thing... I went from wanting to buy Isa brown chicken and a already build coop, to looking for more healthy breeds and building my own chicken coop...
  19. Bibilibop

    Need help for construction and space needed

    Hello, We have around 10feet x 6 feet space... I would like to know, how many chickens could fit there, coop and run included... We can't really have more rooms, and I'm scared to let them go free in the rest of the yard and loose them from jumping the yard fences. Also, when you build a...
  20. Bibilibop

    Hello from quebec!

    Hello everyone, I'm totally new to chickens. We want to adopt two chickens, so we'll have fresh eggs to eat :) I'm not sure about anything right now. I lost myself with the differents breeds, with the size of the chicken coop, and how to protect them in winter... Anyway, my first language...
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