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  1. oldirtychicken

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    I just learned this a few weeks ago, if you see her start tossing straw on her back then she should be getting ready, has she started squating yet?
  2. oldirtychicken

    Human Perch

    Well everything is good now, the girl who was the pecker has stopped and i am getting the odd egg now from her.
  3. oldirtychicken

    Chickens chasing Robins

    my girls are only 20 weeks and have never been here for a winter so i dout that, its the first time they have seen birds so its in thier blood to try and get them.
  4. oldirtychicken

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Well this is technicaly the 3rd egg from 1 of my 6, 20 week old Hyline Browns, but the first 2 were soft and cracked. So this is egg 1 to me lol and will make one small breakfast tomorow hahaha, it only weighs in at 1.57oz, the girl layed it in her play sand lol.
  5. oldirtychicken

    Human Perch

    lol i talked to my mom today and she asked if i got the broken ones for half price as a joke, hahahah.
  6. oldirtychicken

    Chickens chasing Robins

    Hahahaha i was just out looking at the girls and cought one chasing a Robin around the yard, it was awsome, the robin would land and she would be right after it, the robin would take off and she would leap and try and catch it in the air, i didnt know they would be this entertaining.
  7. oldirtychicken

    Human Perch

    Have had no problems with her the last day or so, so i think she got the point, now she decided to start laying and has plopped to eggs out but both cracked ecause she hasnt tried the nesting ox yet, i have some golf balls in there to help, will see what she does tomorow.
  8. oldirtychicken

    Human Perch

    Yes i have had progress, she has chased me down a few times since and i pinned her every time and seems she has got the picture. It's a rainy day here and this is the first rain they have ever seen so some are not coming out of the run yet to scavange the yard for those tasty worms but im sure...
  9. oldirtychicken

    Human Perch

    Not sure if some of yous read the first post, but this thread was about a hen not a rooster
  10. oldirtychicken

    Human Perch

    Thanx, i somewhat thought it had something to do with the pecking order ut i thought it was funny so i let her do it, its only been 2 days so i wont let that happen again.
  11. oldirtychicken

    Human Perch

    Well as some of you know i am new to the whole chicken raising thing but have done my best to make them an amazing home, my chickens are 6 POL, Hy-line's, no roosters because we arent allowed them in my city. A few have started squatting and being very vocal but one has decided to use me as a...
  12. oldirtychicken

    Howdie y'all. Newbie here...

    That is exactly what i was saying.
  13. oldirtychicken

    Howdie y'all. Newbie here...

    I have pride in doing stuff so, my belief is do it right or dont do it at all, so i went all out like usual for a almost zero money and made the best place i could for them and i think i did a fantastic job and think they will have the time of thier life, well for how little that is for hybrids.
  14. oldirtychicken

    Howdie y'all. Newbie here...

    Second day my dog tried to lunge at them because they spooked him, but now he seems alright with them for now. My dog is a 12 year old, 3 legged, Lab x Akita x Shepard, been on 3 legs since he was 11 months and this is his first time with chickens and seems to be on a scavenger hunt for turds...
  15. oldirtychicken

    Howdie y'all. Newbie here...

    Yup they have it made, they have a coop, and run and get to free range the whole yard during the day while my dog watches for cats lol
  16. oldirtychicken

    Howdie y'all. Newbie here...

    I will watch for mites, that was one of my first thoughts, but i have only touched 2 of them, the rest havent let me yet, they came from the farm so it could be possable. The other day i was gathering weeds, i also touched some of the birds, i dont know what got me itchy and hives as ive never...
  17. oldirtychicken

    Howdie y'all. Newbie here...

    Ya i just need to get some nipple's, i have lots of buckets to work with and i think i wanna make one of those foot lever feeders.
  18. oldirtychicken

    Howdie y'all. Newbie here...

    So i live in British Columbia, Canada. Where it rarely snows were i am, we would be lucky to get snow 1 day a year, whats it take to keep them in this climate during the winter?
  19. oldirtychicken

    Howdie y'all. Newbie here...

    I still have a few finishing touches for the coop, i still need to make deviders for the nesting box and shingle the roof, make a feederand waterer, for now im just sprinkling food on the ground and letting them forge the yard and putting fresh water in a bowl 2 times a day, untill i get the...
  20. oldirtychicken

    Howdie y'all. Newbie here...

    Thanx, it was alot of mental work building this all from salvaged wood. If i am alregic i would NOT get rid of them, i would figure out a remedy, but thanx for your concern, i have no other symptoms and think it might just be the weed that i touched but if i get them again i will get tested for...
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