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  1. Janets Chicks

    When to move to coop????

    Oh and best to have your nursery pen near or inside your current coop. Then the existing flock has some time to get to know them before they are released.
  2. Janets Chicks

    When to move to coop????

    If you have an existing flock, you have to make sure they are big enough to not get pecked. I have lost many chicks who I thought were old and big enough. I currently have a group of 6 chicks that are 6.5 weeks old. I had 3 of a smaller breeds (Ancona and Brown Leghorn) get out of their...
  3. Janets Chicks

    New Member

    I am finding the "search" area to be a great resource! Currently we have: White Leghorn Brown Leghorn RIR New Hampshire Red Gold Laced Bearded Polish....99% sure our first rooster 3 ameracauna's (the fluffy faced ones that lay green eggs) Lakenvelder (Our currently injured one that got scalped...
  4. Janets Chicks

    Worrried chicken momma with a scalped baby

    I am so glad to see this thread. I also have a scalped chick. I had all 3 of our pure bred show chicks about 6 weeks old introduced behind a fence for about 4 days. I introduced them and all was fine for a couple of weeks. Now all we have is one left (one I think got trampled because she was...
  5. Janets Chicks

    New Member

    The injured one is separated and is recovering. Basically I found her with the top of her head behind her (his?) comb raw and bloody. All the feathers in this area are gone and I think the skin is too. Can a chicken live after being scalped??? She is getting stronger everyday. She has been...
  6. Janets Chicks

    New Member

    I thought about Mariks but she did come from a hatchery and I talked to the feed store I got her from about it. It has gotten better. After isolating her from the rest, she has been back out in general population with no issues. She is now able to walk freely on her good let and just uses her...
  7. Janets Chicks

    New Member

    Hello, I have been raising backyard chickens for 4 years. We have had anywhere from 10-17 hens in our flock. We have had to deal with coyotes and hawks as our main predators. We have had two "egg inside of an egg's" one being featured in our local paper (on the front page!) Myb 8 year old...
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