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  1. RLBourgeois

    Rooster Problem

    While I had considered the dangers and need of a paper trail, somehow, I hadn't actually considered speaking with animal control as well or the whole avian flu/biosecurity issue! That's a very good idea...I think I will run down the street as soon as I get a chance (during their open hours) and...
  2. RLBourgeois

    Rooster Problem

    I've had that thought as well. Trust me, if I catch him, he's not going back.
  3. RLBourgeois

    Rooster Problem

    I wish...unfortunately, he owns.
  4. RLBourgeois

    Rooster Problem

    Yeah, that is what I am worried about. He has used blaring music in the past as well to get under our skin. And, the last time I tried to have a neighborly conversation about how his excessive noise and how it might not be appreciated by his neighbors, he cursed me out and threatened me. Add...
  5. RLBourgeois

    Rooster Problem

    Thanks for the advice all. I was speaking with another neighbor and I think I like his suggestion: document the annoyance every time the rooster comes onto our property and call the sheriff's office to report it to create a paper trail. Eventually, they will begin to fine him under the...
  6. RLBourgeois

    Rooster Problem

    I haven't been on here in quite a while but need some advice on a problem I am dealing with and value advice from members of this group! We live just outside of city limits in a small neighborhood where a number of residents, including us, raise chickens. However, we have one neighbor who has...
  7. RLBourgeois

    Comment by 'rlbourgeois' in album 'Our Flock'

    Hey LipsChicks...thanks for the comment. Send me a PM and let me know what you are interested in doing...
  8. Red is our Red Sussex

    Red is our Red Sussex

  9. Well hello there from Red

    Well hello there from Red

  10. Honk is a Wellsummer

    Honk is a Wellsummer

  11. Blackie wants into the camera

    Blackie wants into the camera

  12. Blackie is a Black Sussex

    Blackie is a Black Sussex

  13. Blackie is playing shy

    Blackie is playing shy

  14. Our Flock

    Our Flock

    Here are some pictures of our flock. We currently have 9 girls total that we purchased as juveniles in three separate groups. Our oldest girls are a Black Sussex, a Red Sussex and a Frizzled Bantam Cochin. The next batch included two Speckled Sussex and a Wellsummer. Just recently, we got...
  15. RLBourgeois

    Comment by 'RLBourgeois' in article 'Winter Chicken Keeping'

    Excellent article and advice...thanks!
  16. RLBourgeois

    New BYC Shirts - My Pet Makes Me Breakfast

    This are awesome...I just wish they weren't, white! LOL! I like the suggestion of a yellow (or some other color choices).
  17. RLBourgeois

    Squirrels & Feed

    I was wondering the same thing about using red pepper. One place I saw stated they put (if I remember correctly), 4 tablespoons of red pepper in a gallon of feed. No clue if I am remembering this correctly as it was days ago or if the amount is correct.
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