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  1. JamesE1943

    Introducing myself, from Ocean County, New Jersey

    Thanks to all for the warm welcome. I didn't mention that my father was a backyard chicken wrangler. This was from the early fifties to about 1990. He had even less property to house his birds than I do, about 3/4 of an acre. But it was in Beltsville, Maryland, where the USDA had a an...
  2. JamesE1943

    Introducing myself, from Ocean County, New Jersey

    Been raising backyard chickens for over ten years. Now have 25, various breeds (White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, a Sultana rooster, a Buff Orpington, an Araucana, etc. Had more Buffs and Araucanas, but hawk incursions have been devastating. Also have a Chinese White goose I...
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