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  1. kendorama

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Hi, It's very healthy. I did some research about the bill color when I noticed it as ducklings and read it's very normal.. it's some other strain of Pekin? No clue. I have all sorts of pictures and videos on my blog: It's the one on the bottom: It's the one...
  2. kendorama

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Thanks for the quick response. The funny thing is one of the ducklings has a fleshy color bill whereas the rest have yellow ones. I thought this fleshy bill duckling was for sure female since it was smaller than the others. It's still the smallest but it doesn't have the quack that the two...
  3. kendorama

    Pekin Duck Club!

    What age should Pekin ducks develop their quack? I have four of them, two seem female cause they have the loud honk/quack. The other two chirp like how all four of them used to do.. I'm wondering if they are female or haven't developed yet. They are about 6 weeks old.
  4. kendorama

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I use something like a broiler pan setup but it doesn't take up enough room. You use those for water or feed?
  5. kendorama

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Thanks! I'm still struggling with the water/food issue. They run out of water really quickly while still creating a huge mess. With my nipple solution I know they won't die of thirst. Right now I leave both the nipple waterer there all the time, then clean water in the purple device at...
  6. kendorama

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Yup. It's my blog. I wanted to make it for my future kids, it's like my diary ;p.
  7. kendorama

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Man ducks are messy! My ducks don't seem to eat the poultry starter unless I put it in their water.. then they act like little vacuum cleaners ;p
  8. kendorama

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I went to a thrift store and bout a baking pan and some type of stationary to have a makeshift water catcher ;p.
  9. kendorama

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I just got four 1 week old Pekin ducklings!!
  10. kendorama

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Hey guys, I'm getting 4 Pekin ducklings on Wednesday! I read that female's chests are broader and male's have longer necks and heads @ super early age. Any truth to that? Hoping not to get more than one drake. Any tips you guys have on raising them? I've read some people thinking they...
  11. kendorama

    Black Copper Marans discussion thread

    I'm wondering if it's sick or something. It acts fine.
  12. kendorama

    Blue Ameraucana thread!

    Does anyone know if my Blue Ameraucana is a roo or pullet? My guess is a roo. @ 3 weeks On the right On right again He's 3.5 weeks now and his comb looks reddish but I think it's more so one line than 3 distinct line of peas.
  13. kendorama

    Black Copper Marans discussion thread

    My black copper maran seemed kinda odd when I got it and when I look for images of them, there's no one with the weird look it has. It's 3 weeks old in this picture. Anyone know if it's male or female? I have 5 chicks and it's one of the two that bumps chests and acts like a roo. It...
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