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  1. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    Sure hope that's the case cause she is livlier than ever running all over the place.
  2. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    Just cleaned her up and there was no bad smell.
  3. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    Now my other chicken, while laying and being supremely mobile, has poop stuck to her back feathers as well. Oh geez, when will it end? No chest distension, chicken is laying fine,eating and drinking normally, but has poop pasted there...have no idea what could be causing all of this. Do I just...
  4. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    Well she's gone. And I don't even know what caused guess is she had more than one condition going on. I do want to thank everyone here for their time and help. Without that help my other chicken (which seemed a lot worse than this one) wouldn't have healed. That one miraculously survived...
  5. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    Me too but these things can go either way. At least I'm trying which is all I can do.
  6. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    Didn't feel any egg but did massage a bit of coconut oil in her insides just in case. Also have put two drops of apple cider vinegar in her water which should also help. Got my fingers crossed. Thx a ton.
  7. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    Put back in indoor cage as I found her somewhat out of sorts...a bit of ammonia smell from her backside so from 70% healed she's now at about 50%. Maybe I put her out with the others too soon I'm guessing. For now she's indoors, no chest distension as before, drinking lots of water but no food...
  8. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    As of this date the chicken is still outdoors in the coop with the rest...her poop isn't still normal(not liquid anymore and nothing stuck to her feathers and no bad smell, like very small rocks)...she's eating and drinking and her breast is not distended as before but seems somewhat slow. She's...
  9. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    Wyorp-as regards the photo-it's just transparent liquid with much of nothing else. I'll try the cottage cheese and see what happens.
  10. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    She continues to improve and is eating well but her poop is too liquid-no color and no smell- for my comfort. Should I wait for her poop to be normal to put her in the coop with the others or can I put her in the coop and monitor her daily progress there?
  11. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    About 70% total health...her poop is still mostly liquid when that gets more solid I'll put her in with the rest in the coop. Today was just a spin around the house so she could get at some grass and insects.
  12. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    Made her throw up yesterday with the crop treatment and she seems to be about 15% better based off of her alertness. Her poop is about 70% liquid still and this morning was pecking at her feed though mostly not eating just a peck here and there. It's hard to feed her the probiotics if she won't...
  13. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    Thx a ton as I already have all those remedies at home. :wee If she gives me two days she should get better. If not, at least I tried. You all are terrific thx for the links!!!
  14. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    U.S.A in florida but of hispanic decent which is why I don't know the names of many things in english. Vent is completely clean,not caked with poop. There was a little white liquid in the area where her poop had dried..the feathers. All this yeast infection thing- I sometimes fed my chickens...
  15. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    Thx Wyorp and according to what I read in your links, I'm estimating that it's impacted crop. Only doubt is that the bad smell is not coming from her head but her backside. Thx to everyone we'll see if I have enough time to help her.
  16. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    No pics of her vent now maybe tomorrow. And no protrusions from her vent either. It's almost like she had a bad case of the runs and they dried up in the feathers under the vent. Will proceed with the food suggestions and see if I can get a pic of her vent since I live alone. How is sour crop...
  17. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    Breast seems bigger than usual.
  18. billyboy1111

    one of my chickens (almorrana)

    Done I'm including some low quality pics here..chicken is a bit listless. Pics below are after cleanup so I suspect the water is what has darkened the feather color under her vent. I've also isolated her from the other chickens outside.
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