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  1. sargents2

    Full or problem with crop

    He's fine I checked this morning and it went down a lot
  2. sargents2

    Full or problem with crop

    Thanks I've taken the food away for a while to make sure I know he can't move much cause he has two little casts on his legs so every hour I make sure he has water and food except night time but I have it close. He's pooping and it looks fine the crop is squishy not to worried about it but not...
  3. sargents2

    Curious about age (picture intense)

    I be had him two weeks I was thinking a week old when I got him so age two three weeks wings have actual feathers now little one has legs hurt so I baby and spoil him he was in the pen with the others and tried to be careful but stepped on him/her (peepers)
  4. sargents2

    Full or problem with crop

    Hello guys I have a baby chick two three weeks old maybe more idk I got him I think when he was a week or two old. Well something happened he got trampled hurt some one but all my other chicks are fine. But I brought him In two day after I noticed him down and sick all he did was lay down and do...
  5. sargents2

    Large "Lump" on Hen's Chest

    Is this normal in chicks as well I found this huge bump as well! It's three weeks old and I'm treating his legs their in splints I don't feel anything wrong he's pooping and peeing and eating so. Here's a pic it's on the right side of the chick
  6. sargents2

    Need help!!

    its not a tendon I took two fingers straightened the leg and and tried to see if it was loose or anything or it would pop in but their is a lot of swelling the pic is recently. When is straightened the left leg he tried to pull back but the other one was limp I did notice above the elbow it felt...
  7. sargents2

    chick can't walk

    I've had the same problem but my chick is between two or three weeks old he's laying down and when he does walk its on one foot the other kinda stays folded underneath him
  8. sargents2

    Need help!!

    Okay so I was raised with chickens well my dad got a bunch of chickens their about a week or two old at least this one is . Friday we noticed one of the chicks was laying down shivering so we brought it in to contain it. The next day it was alert peeping away keeping me awake. I start to notice...
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