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  • Users: Jera
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  1. Jera

    Bloody wing

    @Orca5094 Okay, thanks!
  2. Jera

    Bloody wing

    @NickRandall Only one, who is older. But he isn't doing any of the harm. It's the girl duck who is pecking another girl.
  3. Jera

    Help! My Pekin's leg is injured!

    @JadeComputerGal Sadly she didn't improve any and only got worse.. :(
  4. Jera

    Bloody wing

    One of my girl ducklings has a bloody wing where her flight feathers are comjng in. I noticed it last night and washed it off to see no major cuts or damage. Today I got home to see another girl duckling (the same age which is about 5 or 6 weeks) pecking at the same wing of my injured duck. Help!
  5. Jera

    Help! My Pekin's leg is injured!

    Well, tomorrow I have an appointment to put my poor baby to sleep.. Everything has went downhill and she is just miserable. I'm so upset about it. I hope no one else has to go through this! :(
  6. Jera

    The Duck Thread

    @amiga I just got 4 ducklings. I know to leave access to water at all times but should I have a set time I give them their food or should I keep access to food because they are growing?
  7. Jera

    Duckling won't stand, walks poorly

    @Amiga Here's my new babies!
  8. Jera

    Duckling won't stand, walks poorly

    @Amiga My duck is doing better. Still struggles a bit with her right leg but moves it better and is moving around better. She is still on meds. She also seems very happy in our pond and can get out when she wants to be in the grass. I get four more ducklings in the mail tomorrow morning :)
  9. Jera

    Duckling won't stand, walks poorly

    @casportpony No they did not tell me the cause.
  10. Jera

    Duckling won't stand, walks poorly

    @casportpony They said she had a bacterial infection in her joints. They said put her in deep water (pond). They gave us Metacam (10 mL) an to give her .10 of it daily until it's gone. Also Baytril 20, and one pill a day for 10 days. They said to let her swim all day and to give her breaks...
  11. Jera

    Duckling won't stand, walks poorly

    @casportpony My Pekin isn't. That's why we took her to the vet. They gave us a pain med/anti-inflammatory and a antibiotic.
  12. Jera

    Duckling won't stand, walks poorly

    @casportpony My Pekin's is always very very runny. My other duck's is too. I put B Complex in their water thinking her problem may be niacin deficiency. Could this be making both of their's runnier than usual?
  13. Jera

    Duckling won't stand, walks poorly

    @casportpony On the way to the vet with my Pekin now. Has the same problem as the duck mentioned above.. :(
  14. Jera

    Duckling won't stand, walks poorly

    @casportpony If they have an infection, what's the difference in poop from a duck without an infection?
  15. Jera

    lame duck - literally

    I have a pekin with the same exact issue. It looks very similar to your duck. I have been putting B Complex in her water and waiting on Niacin pills to arrive. I have seen no improvement either and I'm beginning to not be able to stand it anymore. Not sure where to go from here.. :(
  16. Jera

    Male or female? Decisions decisions...

    I already have 2 six week old ducks. Should I keep my ducklings separate when they get here, and for how long?
  17. Jera

    Help! My Pekin's leg is injured!

    @sourland I haven't found plain niacin yet. But I have been using B Complex in their water. I haven't seen much improvement yet. But maybe after a few more days!
  18. Jera

    Pekin Duck Club!

    My Pekin is not loud at all and seems to sigh a lot rather than quack. Is this normal? She is 6 weeks old.
  19. Jera

    Male or female? Decisions decisions...

    I have 2 ducks ready and I'm about to order 4 more. Cayuga's and Buff's. I am trying to decide if I should order one female and one male of each or all females. I am scared the drakes will be aggressive to the others. Help me decide!
  20. Jera

    Pekin Duck Club!

    @casportpony That's it! Thank you!
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