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  1. flame21323

    Chick Pecking

    Thx so much for your advice it really helped a lot, the chick just now opened his eyes and he's up and going but we put in a 2 day old chick in the brooder yesterday with our previous 1 week old chick and funny enough he's been the little bully should I separate him or just let him stay and also...
  2. flame21323

    Chick Pecking

    Hey I'm new to the chick business and one of my chicks have been pecking at the other and now it won't open its eyes , but it still eats and drinks and chirps regularly but I wanted to know is their a way to fix him and stop the pecking of the other chicks?
  3. flame21323

    INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

    Thank you guys for all your help I did unfortunately lost this baby chick but there is 9 more still unhatched
  4. flame21323

    INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

    I can see the beak but I haven't cleared the inside because it is to tuff to break the mush
  5. flame21323

    Help don't if to help it

    it just shows a white membrane on the outside of the hole but there is no peeping and I dont if to help
  6. flame21323

    Help don't if to help it

    This is my second time hatching chicks and this happened and I don't if its bad or not please help
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