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  1. charliechicken1

    Tape Worms

    It looks like Valley Vet only ships to the US and I am in Canada.. Thank you though!
  2. charliechicken1

    Tape Worms

    I'm almost positive my chickens (one at least) have tape worms. I saw the little grain like white specs moving around in their poop. How do I treat for tape worm? I've been told a broad spectrum de-wormer won't kill tape worm, but that's all my local animal clinic says they can give me. I've...
  3. charliechicken1

    Aggressive at 2 weeks? Rooster traits?

    I confirmed with the lady I bought them from that they are in fact 2 weeks old. She said they were growing much faster than her other chicks too and just seem to be big! It seems to have mostly settled down with the other chicks. I've never seen the "spurring" yet, just a lot of very tall...
  4. charliechicken1

    Aggressive at 2 weeks? Rooster traits?

    Not a very good picture but here is one of the EEs atop the water dish.
  5. charliechicken1

    Aggressive at 2 weeks? Rooster traits?

    We just got 2 barred rock and 2 rhode island chicks. They are all 2 weeks old. Yesterday we added 2 Easter Egger chicks to the bunch, which I was told were 2 weeks old. They are at least a head taller than the other 4 - is this just a breed difference? For the most part they all get along...
  6. charliechicken1

    Hens Disappearing...

    Thanks everyone. We are located in Southern British Columbia, Canada, right along the West Coast. We hear packs of coyotes all the time, definitely have raccoons who terrorize our garbage regularly and aren't stranger to cougars (though it's rarer than the other predators). I can pretty...
  7. charliechicken1

    Hens Disappearing...

    Thank you for your reply - one was a White Leghorn and the other two were Rhode Island Reds. They were plump! Not easy for the pickings which is why I was surprised at the disappearance without a trace. I will do another walk around today and see if I can find anything. We do have a lot of...
  8. charliechicken1

    Hens Disappearing...

    I had three hens who have sadly, one by one, disappeared. They free range on our 3 acre property but always stay close to the open (in the day) coop, food and our house. They love digging in my garden beds and I love looking outside to see them having their dust baths. I did make them a 10 foot...
  9. charliechicken1

    Losing Feathers, Getting Pecked and Walking Wobbly!

    I am brand new here and to the world of chickens.. we just brought home our first chickens two weeks ago, along with their coop. We have three chickens that are only in the coop to lay and sleep, otherwise they free range in our backyard. I noticed when we brought them home, one of them was...
  10. charliechicken1

    Losing Feathers/Walking Wobbly

    I am brand new here and to the world of chickens.. we just brought home our first chickens two weeks ago, along with their coop. We have three chickens that are only in the coop to lay and sleep, otherwise they free range in our backyard. I noticed when we brought them home, one of them was...
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