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  1. kittyfrog

    mutant egg

    Quote: Quote: Thanks for the idea, any chance you could point me in the direction of the right section of the website to look around in (ie a link) as I can't seem to find anything beyond the basics for beginners & thousands of forum threads All my chickens' feathers are starting to look a...
  2. kittyfrog

    Monser Egg!

    Nice one, any idea what it weighs? would love to see a photo of its contents when you crack it, you could run a book on how many yokes its going to have!
  3. kittyfrog

    mutant egg

    Howdy, here's an egg found this morning I was quite excited to see one of my girls who hasn't laid for about 3 weeks was finally in the egg box, but then this came out, I bet that wasn't comfortable!! Before stopping laying 3 weeks back she had been laying a shellless egg every other day and...
  4. kittyfrog

    Help with a Broody Chicken

    Hey guys, Thanks for your comments, As much as I'd love to raise some chicks I don't have ready access to any fertile eggs and I wouldn't have room for more grown chickens anyway, though I guess eaters could be good in the future. Anyway I discovered (for now) that she seems to be very easy to...
  5. kittyfrog

    Help with a Broody Chicken

    Hi, I'm new to chickens having had our three for about 6 months now, I'm a little confused, one of our chickens has gone broody but we don't have a rooster and I'm not trying to hatch, (I didn't think it worked like that?) she seems to have all most stopped eating and drinking and so now I'm...
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