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  1. shareenwtiger

    Any goat lovers out there?

    I have a newborn boer ram! He's white w/Brown head and brown front left foot and back left foot.
  2. shareenwtiger

    Any other "Old McDonald" farms out there?

    My Petting Zoo (Old McDonalds Farm) 1 little jersey bull calf, Foo Bear 1 boxer pup (giant, 7 months and weighs 140 or more!), Tuck 1 big rooster (big as the dog!), Gangar 2 little mix hens, lavender and Goldenrod 1 mutt dog, Charlie 1 six-toed kitten (front and back feet!), Little Foot 1 old...
  3. shareenwtiger


    Mt.Perry 1.5 miles from the Muskingum co. line! I'm movin to KY in e few months. Yay me! 37.729 acres!
  4. shareenwtiger

    Hen Comb Bleeding

    It's ok, just keep the noesporin coming. The question you should ask youself is "How do you think they survived the last millions of years before domestication?" Just baby it a little. Leave it alone if it was another chicken that hurt it.
  5. shareenwtiger

    Wrinkled eggs

    It's usually the chickens first egg. Other than that, it's most likely just like Sandra said or like in most cases, malnutrition. -
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