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  1. chimex

    poor growth of chicks

    Well those infected severely died, while those that were not that sick are looking better today. Nw going to focus on improving there body weight. Heard about this king humivet don't know if anybody has any testimony about it.
  2. chimex

    poor growth of chicks

    Already giving them finisher, even with this drugs given to them yesterday yet still having casualties, four died this morning and some still look seriously sick and missing the little weight they have
  3. chimex

    poor growth of chicks

    Gave them the drug recommended by the vet. Still lost couple of birds today those that were severely ill, but the others seem to be OK, few still looking miserable BT hoping they get better, need them to pass this stage so that i will stuff them with food to recover lost weight. So if any good...
  4. chimex

    poor growth of chicks

    They are 200 in number, lost about 20 nw. The anti cocci i give them is called cocci stop, gotten from a vet here in Nigeria, at day time, they look so active eating and jumping around, BT before i step out a bit and come back two or more will be dead. Don't really know there problem. Planing on...
  5. chimex

    poor growth of chicks

    Hello, am having a serious problem with my 4 weeks old broiler chick, they seem not to be growing though feed well, they look like a week or two weeks old birds .Recently they started sleeping while standing with there head turked in as if they were cold, i taught it was maybe brooded pneumonia...
  6. chimex

    Growth difference between breeds?

    Pls am having a problem with my 4 weeks old broilers, they seem not to be growing as suppose to, still looks like a 1 or 2 weeks old chick. Some of they are looking so dull, sleeping while standing head bent down, and in just 3 day lost over 10 if them. I've given dem some garlic water in case...
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