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  1. knurse1

    Breed choices: what should I get??

    I h A very golden c comets and love them
  2. knurse1

    Feeding and Watering Struggles

    Drip.system where they just Peck at a specket to get their water Good luck
  3. knurse1

    So I got myself into a problem 😆

    You could put in several 4" pvc tunes fit feed and have a continuous water system with little droplets for them to get water. It works really well for us and then you just have to Have someone collect your eggs. And0 that is never a problem.
  4. knurse1

    Review by 'knurse1' in article 'Top 10 Best Egg Producing Chicken Breeds'

    I woul f like to n know whether my golden Comet chicken rank because I have 10 of them and pretty much every day we get 9 eggs an d some days we get 10 eggs snf these chickens are very docile. Thank you Karen Barton
  5. knurse1

    How Much do you all feed your chickens?

    Outs have the org a nic lay pellets whenever they want because they are on 4" PVC pipes. And we only have to fill once every 2 weeks
  6. knurse1

    What's your flock's favourite food/treat?

    Mine love fresh profile smf mealwo t md
  7. knurse1

    Are there other feeding options?

    So my chickey's are also organic. We give then layer pellets, they get whenever they want. I also give then organic cauliflower and cabbage, and we give then give them fresh produce thar we have grown pr bought at the store. We also give them dried organic meal worms. Good luck
  8. knurse1

    Molting, Bare Skin, and Below Zero Weather in the Next Few Days

    I have 3 walla that are solid. Concrete that are a branch off of a shop for my husband as ND. We have continuous hear at 60 degrees. The 4th wall of 2x4" and tha t is where the water system runs continuous Anyway, I wish you luck
  9. knurse1

    Dream Coops - What's yours?

    I like large area for them during the day. We have large run outside that is 10.sq ft per chicken We also have also 4 - 4" pvc piles for food. And we have a. Automated wafer system good luck .
  10. knurse1

    Anyone Else with Low Egg Production?

    We have 10 golden comets We are still averaging 8 per day. We have a very large run for them and sometimes we will turn on our automatic lighting that we have out in the run are a We never light where they roost at night. I am sorry about your poor egg production. Also we feed our chickens...
  11. knurse1

    Feeders and waterers

    Omit Lawson
  12. knurse1

    Feeders and waterers

    Lawson we have 10 golden comets
  13. knurse1

    Feeders and waterers

    We. Have 4 4" PVC for feed and have separate container for calciumt that also hangs up. We also use a continuous water system with multiple watering spickets an have pump to keep the water continuously running
  14. knurse1

    What do you feed yours?

    Organic pellets and organic meat worms as well as organic produce
  15. knurse1

    What do I need to get started??

    We use4" pvc for our feed and we have a continuous running water system with spickets. It is very nice. Good luck
  16. knurse1

    Rooster Behavior

    My daughter had a rooster: that started outbthi@ samethen one day he sudddenly attaacked just be careful a he matures.
  17. knurse1

    How to get rid of Yellowjackets?

    We use simply green. You can get it at Walmart. It it's so great kills them ..
  18. knurse1

    Shipping chicks

    I love ordering online. I get mine from Meyer's Hatchery. We have order through them 3 different times. We g[t exactly what we ordered and all of them were healthy and alive
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