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  1. OrgFutureFarms

    Purchase etc FarmAnimals in TX from (CA -South)

    Fowl Ducklings Goslings Guinea/Peafowl Pheasants Quail/Partridge Juvenile Fowl Turkeys Location Rowlett TX, Purchases requested in TX (Female & Male) Ducklings 1) Purchase Ducklings (Cayuga, Khaki Campbell, Flying Mallard, Jumbo Pekin, White Pekin). 2) Purchase Juvenile Ducks (Mandarin, Wood)...
  2. OrgFutureFarms


    I purchased Six unknown/ & One Light Brahma Baby Chicks in East Texas Saleborne Auction in Pittsburgh Texas . Turns out Two of them are Dominique one hen,and the it her is a rooster My Light Brahma is the leader of the Flock and is the smartest and curious of them all Light Brahma decided to...
  3. OrgFutureFarms

    What Bread am I?!

    Six Unknown Allegedly the white one is supposed to be a Brahma I purchased them at an Livestock Auction in Pittsburgh,Texas
  4. OrgFutureFarms

    Request Light & Buff Giant Brahma Chicks

    Shipping or pickup local Near my location
  5. OrgFutureFarms

    Request GRANT For Endangered Species ACT Crevecoeur

    GRANT For Endangered Species ACT French Oldest and standard-bred in France received its name from a village of Crevecoeur en Auge in Normandy,France. The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy has listed the Crevecoeur as endangered worldwide. The US has less than 500 breeding chickens. Bred as...
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