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  1. Kmb8307

    Duck pens & keeping ducks in the winter

    That looks like a pretty self sustaining set up. Unfortunately I live in a place (South Dakota) where we have bitter cold winters, i'm talking days with -45 degree F. Wind chills & lots of snow :( i am worried about how i'm going to keep them with enough water & keep or from not freezing! I have...
  2. Kmb8307

    Hatching silkie eggs in an incubator

    Thanks for the info! I will be checking them to make sure all is well. I'm hoping they all hatch fine, but we will have to just wait and see...i hate waiting ;)
  3. Kmb8307

    Hatching silkie eggs in an incubator

    I have an auto turner and i figured i would just turn it off for lock down & hope for the best ‍♀️the furthest along looks like about 9 days & the least developed one looks at about day 3 or 4. I have never had silkies before so I am really hoping they hatchn because I have always wanted...
  4. Kmb8307

    New here, chickens for 3 years & duck & goose newbie

    I have had chickens for 3 years and love having them! So much so, that I added to my flock! I also got ducks and geese this year and have enjoyed them immensely! I have 17 chickens, 4 ducks & 2 geese. I have a mixture of chickens, rhode island reds, silver laced, barred rock, easter eggers and...
  5. Kmb8307

    Duck pens & keeping ducks in the winter

    Hello, I have 4 ducks & 2 geese and I am wondering what everyone has for a set up for their flock. I let them free range when I am home, but we have dogs that will kill them as well, so I have to be very aware of where the dogs are. We have 5 kids 10 & under who constantly let the dogs out when...
  6. Kmb8307

    Hatching silkie eggs in an incubator

    While a friend of mine was on vacation one of her silkie chickens went broody & was sitting on a clutch of eggs. I told her to candle the eggs & mark the fertile ones & pull the others. When she went to check them she found 36 eggs under her! She was stealing the other silkies eggs for her own...
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