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    6 Indian runner ducklings in London, UK (NW67DX)

    Hi, We have 6 Indian runner ducklings, 5 hatched 1.5 week ago and one 3 weeks ago. As we are keeping 3 adults as pets we are looking to give them away to a someone who can look after them.
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    Diaper for Indian Runner Duck

    The elastics pulls down his wing, maybe he’s not also used to it so that’s why he does that? How do you fit the pouch? I tried both inserting his tail in it or place it underneath his tail...
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    Diaper for Indian Runner Duck

    That’s the one I have, any chance you can send a few pictures please? I’ll send some too this evening but maybe I fitted wrong?
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    Diaper for Indian Runner Duck

    Hi, I am looking to get a diaper for my Indian Runner duck as I bought one for ducks but I believe that as the Indian runners are leaner and longer it doesn't fit properly and the elastic pulls down on his wings. Any advice as I would really love to keep him in the house a bit more. Thanks
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    Indian runner duckling deformed spine

    Thank you! So sad as it’s such a sweet duckling. :( He had few problems in getting back to his feet once upside down but his spine was fine, the last 7 days highlighted how bad it become. We will definetly keep him hoping he can stay with us for a while without being in pain. Thanks again
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    Indian runner duckling deformed spine

    Hi, I hatched 2 ducklings 6 weeks ago and one of them developed a deformation in its spine and seem to grow slower than the other duckling hatched on the same day, the lower part of its beak is longer than the top too now. I have attached pictures here below where you can see the difference...
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    Should I introduce my new duckling to its mom?

    Perfect! That is what I hoped for. Exciting! Thank you for your help.
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    Should I introduce my new duckling to its mom?

    Yes, that would be fine for me if they hatch first, if that happens, should I put the eggs underneath mama duck in the incubator? I am worried that she will leave the other eggs if some have already hatched.
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    Should I introduce my new duckling to its mom?

    Hi, Sorry for getting into this thread but I will most likely have a similar situation. I have an Indian runner couple, now, my hen is quite small and last week she went broody on 12 eggs, obviously due to her size she couldn't lay on all of them so I took 6 out and put them in the incubator. I...
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    Puffed up cheek Indian Runner Duck

    Today is the 3rd day and the swelling is nearly gone! :) Cooked some treats last night (spaghetti with scrambled eggs) and she loved it. I’m much more relaxed now, thank you... we kind of keep these 2 ducks like pets and it would have been sad to lose the girl. It’s the first week outside and as...
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    Puffed up cheek Indian Runner Duck

    Thank you for all your answers, her appetite wasn’t the best last night, after reading a lot online I kept a deep enough container for her to dip her head in and spoke with a friend which said to give her some amoxicillin as we don’t have vet for poultry in the area to prescribe Baytril... I...
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    Puffed up cheek Indian Runner Duck

    -1 Celsius I think is 30 Fahrenheit, I live in London (UK). She’s acting, eating and drinking normal, that’s why I’m confused...
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    Puffed up cheek Indian Runner Duck

    Hi, it’s me again. Lol I finally found a female duck for my drake, took her home 1 week ago ago and put them in their coop outside for the first night last night... it was quite cold (-1C) but they had a nice dry bedding with hay. This morning I noticed that the girl had a puffed up cheek (see...
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    Indian Runner Drake Behaviour

    Thank you!
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    Indian Runner Drake Behaviour

    Thank you for the advice! :)
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    Indian Runner Drake Behaviour

    His all posture, tail and wings go up... And then he starts walking with his head down...
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    Indian Runner Drake Behaviour

    Ohh cool, that’s good to know, I was worried that he would become aggressive, a female duck is on the way so hopefully he will be happier soon
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    Indian Runner Drake Behaviour

    Quite hard to take a picture as he does it when I’m far, I took a screenshot to the video.
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    Indian Runner Drake Behaviour

    Hi, Thank you for your quick message! I have been reading this forum daily but I always found the answers without having to ask. This is a bit different as I couldn't find one. He's eating this food I notice this behaviour since...
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    Indian Runner Drake Behaviour

    Indian Runner Duck by Spelnight posted Dec 10, 2017 at 6:00 PM Hi, This is the one duck hatched from my first incubator, he’s now 12 weeks old and the curly feather just appeared on his tail. We raised him in the house like you would do with a normal pet. In the last two days he started this...
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