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  1. Fun Chicks

    Clean chicken backsides

    What is the best way to clean chicken bottoms? My girls have some serious build up on their fluffy exteriors which of course gets on the eggs. Can I spray their backsides down ? There are about 8 that could use a cleaning . thank you
  2. Fun Chicks

    Roo & mating

    I have a Roo who is 2 now. Last spring he only had 7 hens & I ended up having to buy them all saddles. About 7 months ago I got him 5 more hens hoping that would help on my hens being over mated and loosing all of there saddle feathers & head feathers. Well it has not sadly. His spurs have come...
  3. Fun Chicks

    Eye Issues

    I will take some pics
  4. Fun Chicks

    Eye Issues

    Last time the vet said eye infection . We treated w drops & antibotics. Currently the discharge is white & im flushing it & applying Terramycin 3 times a day. I also bought some Vet RX & nutri -drench. I saw them talked about on other eye issues solutions . Hoping I'm taking the right measures.
  5. Fun Chicks

    Eye Issues

    No coughing or sneezing or mucous then or now.
  6. Fun Chicks

    Eye Issues

    Hi new member here still learning my way around. I was reading other forms but it seems that everybody's problem was resolved within a few days . I have a rooster that has Eye issues and over Fourth of July week I spent $300 at the vet trying to settle his eye issues and now it seems that his...
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