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  1. Wolfson16

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Here’s old Rocky hanging with his girls today. With the weather finally warming up and the grass coming back, everybody is in a good mood! Even nervous Galaxy is enjoying some dust bathing!
  2. Wolfson16

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Absolutely adorable! They look like they’re going to be a handful! 🥰
  3. Wolfson16

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Lol, thanks everybody! Here's a little bit about my small flock if you're interested! I currently have three silver wyandottes and a Rhode Island Red Rooster. My roo, named Rockefeller (Rocky), is a gentle old fart, and just recently had his spurs removed. They were impeding his ability to walk...
  4. Wolfson16

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Hello! This is my first time joining a chat like this so I’m a little nervous! Can’t wait to get to know you guys and your chickens! 😊
  5. Wolfson16

    Smith Homestead Chickens

    That is a very handsome roo! I bet he takes good care of his girls.
  6. Wolfson16

    Hillside Home

    Rocky’s Spur Removal- When we first got Rocky, we immediately noticed he was constantly tripping over his spurs and often had trouble with them scraping against his legs. To solve this problem, I did some research on how best to trim/remove his spurs. Normally, I would have gone with just...
  7. Wolfson16

    Hillside Home

    Midnight- Midnight, the oldest of my three Silver Wyandotte’s is definitely the boss hen. She makes herself known every time I come up and visit and is the first to attack any yummy treats. Having raised her from an itty bitty chick, she has survived a lot for her young age. Gnats took her 3...
  8. Wolfson16

    Inflamed toe or other foot issues?

    Thank you so much! This will come in handy!
  9. Wolfson16

    Inflamed toe or other foot issues?

    Since getting our new rooster Rocket, we noticed he often walks funny. One or two of his toes seem to be swollen, while he often steps on his own feet. I checked the inside of his leg to make sure his spurs aren’t scratching him either. Any suggestions?
  10. Wolfson16

    Hillside Home

    Rockefeller- Old Rocky, also known as Rockefeller is a recent addition to my coop! Having spent time with my girls at their winter home, they all get along very well! Rocky has shown himself to be a very calm, lazy bird so far as he enjoys warm naps in the sun and shows off to the girls. I...
  11. Wolfson16

    Hillside Home

    Just got three of my girls back from their winter vacation at a friends home! This is long overdue, but here is my small flock! Over the past few years, my flock has grown and shrunk, but my heart loves every single chicken that walks into my life! Here, they pretty much rule the roost. Several...
  12. Wolfson16

    New to this Community!

    Hello! I joined this site to learn how others take care of their flocks and how I might be able to improve with my own chickens! I hope to learn a lot here and I hope you guys will learn from me too. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have had chickens for about...
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