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  1. Jessie Marie

    Chicken run floor...??

    I tried sand in my run here in Portland. Had to sift it almost every day and still had tons of flies. Several of my chickens died while we had sand and then as soon as I switched to deep litter wood chips everything has been great. I haven't had to clean it at all really ( my coop and run are...
  2. Jessie Marie

    Chicken run floor...??

    Yes but you might need to be careful about what kind of trees.. I know that's hard with the free stuff but some woods and plants are toxic to chickens. We flagged down the tree drop service right after they did our street because we knew it was all maple. Try to avoid cedar.
  3. Jessie Marie

    What do we think? Rooster or Hen? (Sexing Columbian Wyandotte)

    This chicken is about 14 weeks old. I think it might be a Rooster but not sure - the tail feathers have a slight green sheen on them, which makes me worried that its a rooster.
  4. Jessie Marie

    At a loss about run floor material

    Hi! I'm really frustrated at the moment trying to figure out what to do. I switched my run flooring to river sand this spring after reading a number of posts and articles touting it, but two of my hens got sick with coccidiosis since and after reading some critiques of sand I'm thinking I should...
  5. Jessie Marie

    Hen might have Marek's disease? Worried about baby chicks I already bought before I knew.

    My vet told me that since the new chicks are vaccinated there is a very low chance of their being affected by it. From the articles I read online (including the link above) that seems to be a grey area at best, but at this point I don't really have a choice. I will just hope for the best with my...
  6. Jessie Marie

    Hen might have Marek's disease? Worried about baby chicks I already bought before I knew.

    I have had chickens for several years now. My first three were gifted to me by my mother in law. Two have since died - one kept getting sick, hand an impacted crop and then finally couldn't walk anymore and I put her down. The other had HUGE tumors in her abdomen and we put her down as well. The...
  7. Jessie Marie

    Clostridium perfringens Treatable with doxycycline?

    Thank you! i will order some. How do you get it out from the bottle? Would I need a syringe with a needle? How do you make sure it doesn't get aspirated when giving a liquid orally?
  8. Jessie Marie

    Clostridium perfringens Treatable with doxycycline?

    Is there anywhere I can buy that online?? Like I said, I can't go to the vet because there isnt one here that can see her.
  9. Jessie Marie

    Clostridium perfringens Treatable with doxycycline?

    I will try to get a pic today but it looks like this one
  10. Jessie Marie

    Clostridium perfringens Treatable with doxycycline?

    Also are there any over the counter or natural /home remedies? Oregano oil? Garlic?
  11. Jessie Marie

    Clostridium perfringens Treatable with doxycycline?

    I have a chicken who had sour crop. I treated that part and she is eating again but she has diarrhea, and her poop looks the same as the posts that show clostridium perfringens. I don't have an avian vet that can see her- they are all booked for weeks! I have tried to find antibiotics online to...
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