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  1. Josh L.

    Chloe's First 2021 Hatch-A-Long!

    From what I've seen and done, success rate depends more on weather than age. My older hens are just under a year, and my two young pullets and roo are about 25 weeks currently. Ive never heard about the hatching rate difference of hens under 2 years, and haven't seen it personally. This...
  2. Josh L.

    January 2021 Hatch-A-Long

    Update on this: the gold chick is a cochin cross! I didn't realize my cochin pullet was laying, but this one is a cochin/dominique cross! Saw little feathers on the feet beginning to grow this morning! Tried to get pictures of her feet, but its nearly impossible to see with a naked eye to begin...
  3. Josh L.

    Chloe's First 2021 Hatch-A-Long!

    Update on this: the gold chick is a cochin cross! I didn't realize my cochin pullet was laying, but this one is a cochin/dominique cross! Saw little feathers on the feet beginning to grow this morning! Looks like my young roo is doing his job, too, just like the older roo and his little harem...
  4. Josh L.

    Any artists out there?

    Just wanted to drop this here, more concept art from my book and whatnot.. proud of how this one came out.
  5. Josh L.

    Chloe's First 2021 Hatch-A-Long!

    We got 7! Better than anticipated, honestly.. I'm not sure if she's recessive or not but I'm keeping her at least to see! Fingers crossed for a pullet!! :fl
  6. Josh L.

    January 2021 Hatch-A-Long

    Saved 7 of the viable 12, unfortunately a few didn't make it. A few were very close calls. So.. in happy news, have a picture of the seven survivors in a little basket!
  7. Josh L.

    Newbie & I think I messed up

    But yes, i agree with egghead Jr in that the slight difference in temperature shouldn't hurt them. It can if they're further along and if it fluctuates constantly, but a lot of the time that just makes for delayed hatches.
  8. Josh L.

    Newbie & I think I messed up

    I have had to cover my incu in a towel for the whole time, and then half cover during the hatch. It works like a charm when you've got snow and cold weather. Would definitely recommend towels and insulation for winter hatches.
  9. Josh L.

    Chloe's First 2021 Hatch-A-Long!

    Meant to update last night while the hatch was in full swing, but we had a cat-related disaster By which I mean, my cat decided he wanted chicken dinner and knocked the incubator on the floor while I was running errands, during which two chicks got tossed onto the cold wood floor, two eggs were...
  10. Josh L.

    Horse Baby-Vs-Now Pictures Thread

    He looks so happy! He seems like a good natured horse. Looking very good for 26, too!
  11. Josh L.

    Horse Baby-Vs-Now Pictures Thread

    Oh my heart What are the bloodlines on this beauty?? Your horses are gorgeous!
  12. Josh L.

    Horse Baby-Vs-Now Pictures Thread

    Wow! What a handsome guy he is! Is he a stud or a gelding? That shine makes me think either stud or VERY well fed and active gelding.. either way, he's a stunner! I hope you find a great home for him. If I was looking for boys I'd snatch him up right now!
  13. Josh L.

    January 2021 Hatch-A-Long

    Meant to update last night while the hatch was in full swing, but we had a cat-related disaster By which I mean, my cat decided he wanted chicken dinner and knocked the incubator on the floor while I was running errands, during which two chicks got tossed onto the cold wood floor, two eggs were...
  14. Josh L.

    January 2021 Hatch-A-Long

    The earliest mine could hatch is the 28th, but they may be delayed due to the cold weather out here lately. I'm on day 11 currently. The friend who was supposed to buy the chicks recently backed out.... So I may be keeping some of them for my own flock! No harm no foul, maybe some fun new hens...
  15. Josh L.

    Poll: How many chickens do you have?

    Ive got 16 currently (one adult roo, one juviline roo, and two little Cornish X cockerels, the other 12 are hens/pullets), hoping to add at least ten with the current 15 eggs in the incubator. :)
  16. Josh L.

    Horse Baby-Vs-Now Pictures Thread

    Wow! She's matured into an absolute stunner! I love seeing how gangly they are as foals, its my favorite
  17. Josh L.

    Horse Baby-Vs-Now Pictures Thread

    Shes a beauty! Its amazing to see how they change over the years. What a gorgeous foal, too. Old girl still looks to be going strong, hope you get another 10 with her!
  18. Josh L.

    Horse Baby-Vs-Now Pictures Thread

    God if that isn't the truth! I remember waiting to train my Diva, it felt like it took forever!
  19. Josh L.

    Chloe's First 2021 Hatch-A-Long!

    Generally I candle every three to four days, just to be safe. I dont like to mess with them much, and I candle at the night turn so I dont disrupt them unnecessarily. Depends a lot on if they're more fragile breeds or if they're prone to issues pre-hatch. Generally it won't hurt healthy eggs...
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