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  1. Crystalchickmama

    The Chicklets

    I wanted to post pics of my girls but haven't figured out how to make an "album" Pic of my Ossie girl. My husband says she looks like an Osceola Turkey therefore named her she is 1 of my 3 Americaunas
  2. Crystalchickmama

    Livin' the Chicklet Life

    So To fill in the blanks.... (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? yes, as an adult but had them years ago (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 7 chicklets (3) What breeds do you have? 3 Mixed Reds, 3 Americaunas, and 1 mixed Black (had 2 named Thelma and...
  3. Crystalchickmama

    Cooking while brooding in an inside room?

    My husband was told to NOT COOK ANYTHING while the babies are in a brooder in the house because it can kill them?? Has anyone ever heard this??
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