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  1. mschwager

    Are certain breeds less susceptible to hawk attack?

    We were visiting a vineyard north of Healdsberg CA where they have a pile of Buff Orpingtons (sp?). There were a pair of golden eagles that picked off their entire flock one year - one per day. They now have a covered yard for the chickens. The only chickens that were not eaten and are still...
  2. mschwager

    Bobcat mitigation

    I did order a trap today so I do plan on making sure this guy doesn't return. The mitigation is really for the next one that shows up, though this guy would be a good test cat to test the enhanced fencing. I have a camera trap pointed at the chicken coop to see if and when he returns. I already...
  3. mschwager

    Bobcat mitigation

    Over the past 3 weeks we have lost 4 chickens to a local bobcat. The last one was just carried past my office at 10:30 this morning! The chickens are free range in a small vineyard that has an 8 foot deer fence. After I lost the second one I installed electric fencing - One wire on the top and...
  4. mschwager

    Automatic Chicken Coop Door - Auto Closes Coop - Beta Version 1.0

    Well I know this has been beaten to death, but I wanted to add a slight variant. Like others, I wanted to be able to leave the house in the afternoon without having to chase the chickens all over the vineyard to get them into the house. I wanted an automatic door closer with a programmable...
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