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  1. karnie123

    Hardware cloth and staple Hardware cloth

    I am almost done with mine and chose HWC too. I don’t necessarily agree that welded wire is better like the previous posts. I think it depends on the gauge wire to me. The HWC was the best choice for me but may not be for everyone. Screws and washers were great. Strips of wood worked in some areas.
  2. karnie123

    I lost my flock today. What kind of predator?

    Sorry for your loss too. I have to agree with the other posts. Sounds like dogs. My Mallinois can climb ladders and fences.
  3. karnie123

    Looking for some advice for my Chickie Babie's home

    A quick, cheap, and temporary fix could be a few metal fence posts and wire/net. It makes a decent run but don’t rely on it to be predator resistant unless you really work on it. Depending on the wire/net, it can be put up and taken down fairly easily. Just a thought. I almost bought one of...
  4. karnie123

    Comment by 'karnie123' in item 'Orpington'

    We have 5. Two are more friendly than the others but all of them are nice. The two let you pet them like a dog or cat. The others are a bit more hesitant.
  5. karnie123

    New chicken folk

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yep. Complete newbie chicken family. We got our chicks about 3 weeks ago. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Five (3) What breeds do you have? Buff Orpingtons (4) How did you find out about...
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